Monday, January 18, 2021

The Science of Classical Music

We’ve all heard it: “Play classical music for your babies! It will make them smarter.” While true, classical music has even more proven health benefits!

Thanks to modern science, we are learning more and more about Bach and Beethoven can foster mental health and overall well-being.

One benefit in a pandemic-stricken world is how classical music helps you connect with others. (even through the radio or internet) The feelings you get when you listen to your favorite piece? Others feel it too. The emotive properties of a beautiful sonata, overture, or symphony can actually help us form relationships with others just by listening. Connecting to your emotions, through music, is a beautiful feeling.

Neurologist Dr. Michael Schneck found that classical music helps relieve anxiety. Another study found that it also increases blood flow by 26%, laughter by 16% and relaxation by 11%. Lowering cortisol levels, blood pressure and heart rate are all GREAT for your health and listening to your favorite piece can do it all!

There’s also research that suggests listening to music helps make repetitive tasks easier and is why it is sometimes recommended to listen to music at work or while completing chores at home. Having those chores done will help you sleep better at night and classical music can help with both.

The next time you’re stressed, feeling isolated, having trouble with motivation, or in need of a break – WGUC has just what the doctor ordered!

Andy Ellis